yuhhhp like 30 mins ago
[IMG] Created by: Camoflaug Recommended players: 4-6 players supported gametypes: One-Flag,Team Slayer, KOTH V2 Changes- As some know i...
Hey merry christmasaaas
i disagree to an extent... Most mlg maps when you look at them have the exact same strategic layout and what makes a mlg map stand out is the...
i second that..... horrible gameplay, horrible layout, horrible design, horrible asthetics....but wait, U CAN WALK ON SHEILD DOORS.... OMG...
hey vice its coming good i think iv done well with spawns and changes ill include u for the final test for flag and show u what iv done. probly...
ooooh heeeeey seaaaan its going gud. how you feeling??
yea i thought that was the plan...oh and btw i think i need to confront this bob saget addiction....its taking over your life man. WHEN DOES IT...
i forge with epic assasin now..ever since camo lost his gold member ship. i got it back but i just use assasin now
ty ty. im actually makeing a v2 to it right now its coming along nicely.
Twas twas....Np dude your a pretty cool guy dude, so no hard feelings =) . its all in the past.
loool np dood its call thats all history. Why the sudden apology?
yea i failed to the max... yo you should post the awnser after everyone guesses so people dont cheat.
haybe b day
im actually making a v2 now i know my strengths and weaknesses with my map and i have a pretty good idea on how to perfect it. Thanks for your...
go edit your post on framework plz....
thanks for your phreakish review phreakie but most of the stuff you said was seriously wrong...the weapon placement is good for me and the layout...
Yea the spawns can do that but as you can see ( If u were playing one flag) i only had 2 major spawn areas for attackers and defenders so it was a...
Thaaaanks mastar...Nice coulor BTW.