when you start to many new rounds and your game ends and you lose 2 hours of work.
alright sounds good ill be home and rdy to work at 3ish
k tomorrow i will then. busy week for me
yea lets check out what you've done. im sure i can comprimise with just pictures.
sec ill find away you can send to me
hey hows it goin did, you do any more designing in sketch? If so ill start tomorrow. had to work today sorry for my absence.
ok sweet
so no budget glitch?
well, good luck i have a good feeling about this map.
OMG.....THATS SWEET....Blood said im welcome to help on the map and maybe co- forger if i come up with enough ideas
oui oui!
lol what are you talkin about?
workin on a map with blood eh?
KAY? filr
yup ;)
yea thats why i asked ;)
awww blaze you shouldnt have.. *blush*
lol what?
working on anything these days The Yellow?