Hello mate. I'd just like to say if you're leaving, good bye. I hope you aren't, because I'VE thoroughly enjoyed your time here. i mean you'll...
dig up reviews! and just between you and me, Braid actually got better ratings.... just fyi
the one that just barely got released onto XBL arcade
Is it good or not?
not really what?
no. no i would not. i hate shrimp. i hope this mega man game is good because i'm gambling getting it.
evening, mate
hey guy.
thank you. i'm pround you can enjoy humor
it doesn't have to be. i was just saying that right now its just a boob contest. you could flip it so that you're only cool if you actually know...
OKAYS. that makes sense now. hey since you have so much influence with your "scene girl" thing, perhaps you'd like to turn the tables?
i said why read through a thousand sampson posts?
why read 1000 sampson posts?
wait... you +repped a 2-month old post instead of one of my actually good ones?
what do you do? just toss something and whoever it hits?
lazy lol. seriously do you just expect it to happen upon you?
no date? ah yes. why didn't you go find one?
that's good. why didn't you go this year?
wait... what did you have to do?