oh yeah that looked stupid. hows the school and social life going?
Well I'm leaving soon, so I figured I'd post a few projects that I never posted. It's all some serious halo fan art. Here's a screenshot...
eh. what movie?
wow that sucks. i had that for awhile. any life things going on?
so you're sick? or nothing particularly sick (as in awesome) is happening? either way that sucks. um not much. I'm playing around with my guitar.
yeah. well i have people in real life i need to interact with. and lots of homework. and guitar. and such. i'll be back sooner or later. probably...
yeah well its pretty hard. and that's one of the main reasons i'm temporarily (for a few months) leaving ForgeHub. i'll still see you on live....
Hey bud I'm going to finish my project... today I think. So I i guess your thing can come in later. You'll have to pass it off to Insane though. I...
O rly? wow i don't come on here enough lol... i'll go read that then
whoa... how'd you give me neutral rep? like a day ago? you didn't acquire all this rep today did you? lol that's weird.
idk. i have a bunch of honors class and am a year ahead in my math class and spanish class so i get more homework than i would want. i haven't...
whoa mod already? FH must really need some help with moderation lol. jk you're like the guy for the job. eh mate wanna play some castle...
yes it is beautiful.... and idk.. i hate my classes right now....
I had a dream that you were my uncle.... it was pretty weird.... just thought you should know...
i know.... well i don't know. but i still have beautiful hair. I HAVE PROBLEMS TOO!!
i told you it didn't work out too well..... i met a girl one time.
i did try that. didn't work out too well
I don't mind rain... its getting wet that bothers me. like when i get home and i'm soaked and i'm like "....what now?"
eh that sounds cool........... its always raining in washington. except for right now. and every other day its like freezing cold.
Lol whatever you say. so whats it like in Michigan or whatever?