I'm back for more NOM NOM NOMing
Blu Ray? Seriously? Dang crackah, that watch sounds freaking awesome. But anyways I mostly got just a bunch of money because my parents...
My Ideas: -Portal is fun, but its like something you can only play through once -Get every game add-on for every game you own (including every...
How are you these daisies?
I couldn't live. At all. Thats all there is to it.
Om nom nom nom nomnom nom
Om nom nom nom
eh well i'm out. see you 'round i guess. much love, mate. and good luck with the life thing. you're an awesome person, and its been cool talking...
anything you want to say to me? i'll be off soon. and i might get on tomorrow or another time this week but other than that i'll pretty much be...
lol aweshum.... so anything that you've ever wanted to say to a person that you can say to me now because it won't matter?
if its school i get stuff. just not like stuff like people. i'm pretty good at predicting how people will react to stuff and how people think....
ello cheer up unhappy faic. its just i don't get things... lol.
Yes and no. Yes I do. No i dont understand how that applies.
i can't get my screenshot program working. if i get on my other computer soon i will though. but if someone gets the chance to, could they DL it...
no. i'm a happy person in general. I'm just also very very very stupid. and so i get confused about stuff easily. i usually dont let it bother me...
lol i was just kidding, mate. umm... good. busy, but good. i've really been confused about a lot of stuff. but i meant yeah its still good.
Cool. hows the secksewal life going?
lol at first i thought you meant for a class and i was like "what?? lucky!"