can these be forge maps. if so i like the switch in coolants porcelyn pony. it took me like a half hour to figure out how he did it. im actually...
i will forge with u as long as u are not completly oblivious to simple forge tricks. also, that u actually forge. i was helping a guy and i did...
u could have ppl jump the gate. or make them have to go up the stairs
as far as aesthetics o am great with structures such as houses. if u need one just give me a general outline of what u want and i can make it in a...
ppl who apologize are people who have a soul. anyone with a soul is ok in my book
creepy. i Torge because i like to build things. i have been making things ever since i was little kid. after this year i start college to be a...
so what did u do, just block the warthog from moving
i like photo bucket but i dont think it matters. depending on where ur pics are saved u can change the size. in mspaint there is a change size...
make a map under a map. under all maps is an ocean. your welcome. im doing the battle of saratoga. here u go
depending on the map u could just have shield doors spawn around it. this will make it useless
are u talkin about the grey outer rim? if so i got a map that takes u out there. stupid mines fly through a base, who ever heard of that. anyway u...
also check the symmetry of the weopon. set in to any or either or whatever it says for both.
yea, i heard that there were a couple of problems with the transfer. i believe there working on a way to restore everyones accounts
put ur pics on photo bucket or another pic site. then u will see an image code under the pic. copy and paste the image code into ur post.