Re: Down Pour (is it raining) the way the walls are you can still get killed, plus the dead humans can kill you from behing. what do you mean...
remember the maps and gametype must be in ur file share to be able to download. so i suggest unless u have bungie pro dont remove a map or...
Re: Down Pour (is it raining) that was acctually a problem i had (people escaping). i believe it is fixed now. no one has escaped since i made...
do u mean inside or outside you put the box. i can get outside the walls with the turret glitch but i dont understand how spawning a teleporter...
Down pour Down pour is my first mini game so i would like as much critisizm as possible. 2 zombies spawn a generous distance away. these...
i have created a map and the map requires the same spawning system as "the last level". i made it work once but then i had to change the gametype...
is that cat dead?!? i like cats. and what did the starwars guy have to do with anything. wow im confused all over. anyway bribes are bad.
yea u could have just asked. if im ever on while ur on send me a Game invite and ill see how much work ur map needs. GT: bkbillsfan
i believe this phenominon has already been recorded and posted. i also believe the how-to is posted as well. i may be wrong but im pretty sure im not.
Re: The Underground if length is a problem then just wrap the structure like a U. start at one Foundry base then go to the other end of the map....
no need for thanks. its what i do. i help those in need.
Re: How to i send friend requests to people on forge hub? there are a couple of FH dummy tags you can invite to get the ppl from FH in only one...
in that case i suggest u merge a double box into the ground, bottomside up. then just merge more boxes together
ok. do u want it to start on the ground or on an already elevated surface
so is this u asking sum1 to make it? oh and nice drawing
do u want it like a floor that spirals around or more like a skinny staircase. if ur doing a staircase thing then u could put a stair case down...
sometime objects stick to eachother like that. if there is a little bit of lag a piece could slightly go inside another and stick. when i do the...
i agree that Foundry maps have been over posted. however, Foundry has almost limit less possibilities. people forge on foundries because it is the...
download porcelin pony. it is one of coolants rusty eagles maps. he has a switch that i am incorperating in my new map. im talkin about how he...
get rid of BR, ppl will just use those if there is no shields