Many forge hub members use there Gamer Tag as there forgehub username. Since I changed my name GT I became the exception however if you look under...
I will be on tonight between 6PM and 10PM eastern. send me a game invite and I will be happy to help. GT: xxBRYTExx
Oh across the pond. I tried getting into soccer but I couldn't take the blatant dives and all around cry babies. I know if I played Id end up...
in Monroe County NY?
Im offended I didnt get to go be an intern and make some maps at 343. More jealous really. Back when I was interning at the engineering firm I...
So I didnt get the Xbox one with the kinect. Now I am on the fence about getting one. Is it worth it? Someone push me one way or the other. - I...
being able to script the bosses would be epic
I noticed you used a warthog to open a gate. Was a Spartans strength not enough? does a larger object require more force to move than a smaller...
Name: xxBRYTExx Injury: Back Pain Cause: I sat in one place in nearly the same position for 12 hours Forging Recommendation: Suck it up and get...
Bug: Forge item (terrain pieces) forced outside boundary. Cannot be returned through boundary with move. They can still be deleted. This also...
Thanks Icy first time i tried nothing happened but it worked out today
So a Spartan is 8'? and 16' jump height thats all i need to know thanks.
Bug: Can no longer select large grouping. All objects that are a part of that group are now fixed into there current locations. The grouping does...
RB click each part or hold RB and scan over everything. from there you can either move all the piece or rotate each piece selected on their own...
Feature Request Item preview screen slower boost speed Trees that you can knock over/destroy Ability to add water features I heard that you...
JOIN TODAY https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/turbulent%20flow Tur·bu·lent Flow NOUN A form of fluid flow in which particles of...
Last night instead of forging the map I wanted to I found myself creating palettes in the sky to solve this little issue for myself
Just diving into into it. initial thoughts running through my head: overwhelming, man the controls are played out crappy, endless possibilities,...
You can only get out of work with an illness that has the potential to spread to your coworkers or will make a large bio mess. Unless your a...