Rawr! Attack where you're most vulnerable! : P ... I'm so bored.
Terriermon. Oh wait... Damn.
Dun worrie it's kai.
No sorry... I may play later but I'm not really in the mood to play Halo.
No problem :3
I'll send you a friends request, see if that works.
It's nothing important. He's back now anyway.
I don't even remember the last time we had real abuse of power... Well besides the AZN incident, but that was bound to happen after how nitrous...
There are few times we've had power abused issues.
Lol, no. :P
Meh, it's starting to for me.
I never thought of you like that for a second, you're just trying to help out.
It gets old after a while.
Dun worry, It's my job.
Thanks :3
Yeah, not really in the mood to play on teh bawks.
Done, and thanks. I was actually in the middle of changing some stuff on my profile when you said that. :P
You can change it whenever you want, if you have the privileges. I think some of our members were given custom titles as a gift from an admin,...
Every once in a while, but I rarely perma-ban. There's some cases though, like the super spammers that post 'eshswhj' like messages a million...