Hard to see = no one picks it up if they don't already know about it. And the grenades will be just as universally helpful if they're placed out...
Looks sick, dude, and even though this is technically advertising, you've already got a download from me.
I still think that you shouldn't block off the center structure, but I guess it's ultimately your call. Besides that, I can't really see much...
While it looks well-forged, I'm trying to figure out in my mind how you got the territories to touch without overlapping in a manner that would...
So a few things: it looks like the sniper is next to impossible to notice for someone whose main focus is on getting to the front lines of the...
I've done speed tests, and while flying that way is faster than just holding the left trigger, a Banshee will still fly faster...
Makes me wonder why we don't prune out members who have less than 25 posts and who haven't posted in over a month...
Forsaken, I don't think anyone is opposed to you putting up the revised version of the database. Considering how much time and effort you've put...
All items are dynamic under the control of the monitor's grasp. The distinction is in what happens when the monitor lets them go. Static objects...
Draco, read his first post. He wants to make Hogwarts for a machinima he's planning, and it's actually a pretty original idea. As of yet, I don't...
If you really want to get accuracy up, you could also give people 150% speed or higher.
Grammar fail. Next time you post a guide (because I presume that there are more guides in your future), be sure to run it through spelling and...
Aw, Ace, I wasn't gonna spoil that much of his dream for him (even though I fully agree that it would be entirely unfeasible). An environment with...
Why not make it yourself?
...guys, the chips in Blocks and Block Doubles are just in the graphical models. In the hard-surface models, they're not actually there, so...
I agree with most everything Predicide said, though at the same time I do think that if you had a dividing wall running inside the path that sent...
It'd take a bit of ingenuity to make it work, but I think that it'd actually be a lot of fun.
See, though, that that is most definitely NOT the case. The amount of "spammers" versus the amount of "useful posters" is about the same now as it...
And those of us who've seen the cycle know just how to stay out of it ... Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! <_< No, but the...
That glitch almost never works--at least I've never gotten it to work--and I'm pretty sure that Sandbox cancels out the effect that it would have...