Thanks for the feedback! We've already began to list a few things that we can change or add/remove from Think Twice for version 2. Even after a...
We spent two hours thinking of a name for the map. After going through potential ones such as "Blue Shift", "Crossfire", and "Time Warden" (my...
Very glad to know that you enjoyed it. We've had to endure plenty of negative criticism over both the map and the way we have presented it. To be...
Think Twice Created by: Jonzorz 124, Sven Nietzsche, A 3 Legged Goat, GodlyPerfection File link: : Reach : Player File Sets Originally...
Honestly, I don't understand what people have against this map. There are no framerate issues in splitscreen or single player. The map has no...
I love the Covenant aesthetic in general. When I started building the map, the first thing I did was throw some covenant crates and barricades...
The first thing I built on the map was that central bridge. I had built a bridge there on a Forerunner-style Invasion Map on the Island, but that...
I built Jackal Creek with the intention of a 4v4 map, but when I play it so I find it to be very empty. It can play 4v4, but 6v6 is the sweet...
Thanks! It's not a true remake though, but rather a combination of various styles of maps. I like Battle Creek a lot, but it wouldn't as a direct...
Wow a lot of people are noticing similarities to Isolation. I hope they remake Isolation without the whole under portion of the map. I had...
I loved the shade turret, but it was hard to score kills with and people figured out how to knock it down from the tower. I wish they made it...
lol Pope. I think it's you guys that were boring because I never had any slow-paced games like that prior to that test :P I actually have tried...
Thanks for your feedback! Both sides have unique areas that players can use to their advantage. Blue side has the Cave, which not only serves as...
Yea there are quite a few remakes out there. They usually lag or lose the beauty and the creek of Beaver Creek though, which is never fun....
My buddy Jonzorz and I would continuously exclaim how the terrain on this part of the Island seemed like it was made for this map. It was a bit...
I've played on this map a couple of times and I did not enjoy myself. Forgive me for my bias, but I'm generally not a fan of walkway maps because...
"The beavers have fled." Jackal Creek is an asymmetric-symmetric map for 8-12 players inspired by Beaver Creek and Isolation. It's built on the...
In case anyone doesn't know, the object limit is 651. Jeremiah runs a Forge World group on and he told me that was it after I had overloaded...
Interesting. I will take a look at it and remedy the situation. Thanks for the feedback? Are there any other spawns in specific that you had...
Thanks for the feedback! It's only been tested 4 times between the 15 versions which were all geometry issues. Once it gets more playtime later...