I love MPH and this map was great, but you need more screens of it than the first one. A description will be nice as well.
I love the way this map looks aesthetically, but to be frank it has to be one of the worst designed maps I've ever seen. You have teams spawning...
Download link is fix'd. I thought the thread had died so I hadn't bothered to update it. I'm surprised JC is still receiving as much attention...
This looks awesome, but are you sure this is a competitive map and not an aesthetic map?
Well for one, it doesn't look like I can make the jump from plat to green. That's the most important jump on The Pit.
I agree with this. IT looks great but so many of the jumps are gone and it's too big in some places and too small in others.
How's the framerate on the map? And is that Sword on fixed physics?
Well because your map is so open, neutral grenade launcher may not be such a bad idea. The problem lies with maps with much more cover or...
I looked at this in Forge and it's very beautiful. Your usage of the pieces mixes so well, which is always a plus. I love the light stripe at the...
YES! I'm so glad to see you post this here. I didn't get to play on it, but I did have the opportunity of flying through it in Forge with you and...
I really like the design of this map. The simplicity works well and it should be very great for FFA or even competitive 2v2 games. However, the...
I cannot speak for GodlyPerfection, and him and I have been disagreeing with each other since we built the map. Any comments regarding its...
I appreciate all the constructive comments in the thread, and I myself have become extremely humbled (even more-so than before) by them. I will...
I don't ever remember playing Think Twice with you or Bleuprint, and it was never posted in the Optimatch. If you played on it, then it was with...
Look, we get that you do not like the map. You've made it blatantly obvious by posting it in every single location that the map has been posted....
Thanks for your feedback. The platform Ys joined with the platform XXL's is what started the map. When the four of us build, we try to build...
I love this level in ODST and I enjoyed every second of playing this map in customs a few months ago. I don't remember the feedback I gave you,...
It's already being done :)
Thanks for the feedback, Psychoduck. Although the layout is very generic and unoriginal, it's what we've done balance-wise and with the center...
Thanks for the feedback. Think Twice was meant to be a very simple map built around the dynamic of the center. We have a more complex and...