I cant even read ):
Osama is alive, wake up sheeple
You've fell off ): Hottpottaniky420 or whatever is def #1 user
So sad I almost cried ):
So ****ing dumb; That wasn't even released by US or anything, it's an old ass pic that's just now resurfacing because everyone is...
Im so sorry )):
made you have all the same permissions
wats your steam name?
im not high *edit i wish
yeah im smokin those doo bees
i think we should bale
oh cool ive been to that reddit site too we should meet up
as steep as mt foreverest
ok Neff or Geek
Yup that's it
There's so much to be said about the story that the comic has shown, but alas, fh community sucks.
Because gaming news doesn't warrant a new thread right fh should be completely categorized and only 1 thread per every game
Okay den
Do any of you actually sit back and think "Why do I come in here and just post stupid ****? Is it really that entertaining or am I just kidding...
Srsly fh, no threads about this?? LAB RAT