This is literally the stupidest thing I've seen all day.
See you starside.
As much as I dislike the prom nonsense that happened, I still think not going in camo was a good idea. I didn't make it to the actual race, I...
Bay to Breakers.
I didn't watch it when I was a kid, just a few years too late for me.
Why am I considered a trap? [IMG]
Do you not understand the power of wheat?!?!?! [IMG]
Everyone knows that the ultimate bread is... [IMG]
I wouldn't know since I don't participate in TGIF and stuff anymore. This is disappointing to hear.
It's not about money, it's about desire.
I've got about $1000 in meal points for the quarter, which is about three months ($333.33 per month). The food is way overpriced in Benson (our...
That isn't very relevant...
Damn that sucks. Doe Georgia Tech not do meal plans?
I only spend $300 a month or less on all that stuff... Well the meal plan at my school accounts for most of my food.
I cannot tolerate my own behavior anymore. I cannot stand my obsession with luxury, with money, with whatever the "high life" is. I want to stop....
I'm renaming DFW airport Bonertown Intergalactic Port
Or just get TSA Pre Check...
Guys I need your help, I think I've traveled back in time. I didn't have to remove my shoes or belt at airport security, my laptop didn't leave...
I think this site has already seen its best days with Halo 3, or at least those were my best days on this site. Without Bungie I don't think the...