After month of planning, prebuilding, building and rebuilding, Dispute is finally here.<br />Designed by myself (whos blaze) and forged by...
Thanks. I really appreciate it. I did come a long way right along with forge itself. Hopefully when MCC is fixed my skill will continue to progress!
I put a lot of work into this video. I hope everyone enjoy! [MEDIA] If you have any questions or comments, leave them here on in the comments of...
Thanks Fauch, it should be pretty easy to navigate and that gives you more time to experiment with set ups and countering jumps etc. :) The second...
Yeah, the farthest you can score from is about 40% away from the goal and it takes some practice. People without the ball can jump slightly higher...
The over lapping looks very smooth and clean on this. Good job, I tend to really dislike overlaps. :P
They are quite bare, I may do a little bit to make it look a little more full. I don't want to block sight-lines though. I was going for a an...
Awesome. :) Yeah, my paint skills are like 4 times as good as my forging. 4 fn times!
[IMG] The black is the bridge, the red x is the block I feel should be removed and the red line is another thing I was thinking if for some...
Trying to make a map as simple as possible yet still complex enough to keep it from feeling plain, I've come up with Ruckus. It originally didn't...
I'd love to get a game on it and even help you liven it up a little so it doesn't look so white but sadly my xbox has turned to a paperweight. It...
this looks great. i really like how simplistic the design looks and im a big can of longer lines of signs like this. usually maps with this style...
before, i had used griffball and the floors were dominion shields, under the map was a goalie that also had a laser and could shoot out the...
Scatter-ball is a project I've been working on for awhile now. A few months ago it was a lot more complex but had a few bugs. With the ricochet...
@ZV Thanks man, I've tried so many things attempting to fix it and none of them have helped. :/ @Dunkin I know! I love chicken sandwiches.
The new consoles aren't backwards compatible but if I buy a game on demand will I be able to re-download it on my xbox one? Does anyone know? I...
[IMG] [IMG] Just a little teaser for you guys. Sadly this may not make a full release due to my xbox not reading my disk but I will release a...
[IMG] Designed by myself and forged by BWG assassin and I. Continuum is a 4 way symmetrical map with double lifts on each side. The main bases...
[IMG] Corporation is a hold out flood map build for the Last Stand gametype. Make sure your team spreads out and cover all the doorways. [IMG]...