Thanks guys. And yeah orzium, the maps is definitely for slower paced more tactical gameplay. The hall ways make it so that you have to think...
I fear like some of the diagonal lines of sights through doorways may be a bit awkward. Lengthen some of the hallways would solve this problem....
Really impressive looking. Looking forward to playing it! Heres some changes to the lift in Dispute. HSC. [IMG] You can stand on the teleporter...
Very simple, very clean and over all looks really well done. However, I third the lack of cover on the outside. I would like to see dynamic cover...
Looking good man! I hope I get to play with you guys tonight. If I'm not around and you still want to get a test on Disweat, it's in my fileshare....
A lot of your may know this but I have completely redone Dispute with all the feedback I have comprised from all of you guys as well as outsiders... There's this somewhat related glitch with vertical inclines.
This is actually good to hear. There were a lot of submissions and I feel many of the maps (along side my own) take a few plays to really ground...
Lavish. Whos Blaze Lavish was designed early on into this 1v1 contest though I never got around to doing anything more than testing an unfinished...
Imfamous. Whos Blaze Imfamous is a design I had sitting around for a good while and last minute decided to throw it together and test it this...
Coda. Whos Blaze As soon as I heard about the 1v1 contest I started Coda. Though it's not the prettiest map, I worked hard to make a fun and...
I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this because I'm sure I'm not the only one messing around with switch based spawn systems. Is it...
Found this the other day while playing the beta and wanted to share it with all of you. This jump is possible in both blue and red yard but is...
Hahaha, I'll make sure to consider that next Christmas. ;)
ADamnCivilian and I made this to say merry christmas to everyone! The tree has working lights, theres snow falling outside the window from the...
Thanks. We'll probably have to try another time since customs are not letting us do this at all. And Event hough were in the party it's not...
Yep, thanks for the feedback. I took special care to resize it. Haha. It sucked. But it should have definitely been worth while. I also made a...
@snhnitzel I forge merely for fun. However just because the maps don't appeal to you does not mean they aren't quality maps. Just for a different...
The h2a version Pretty close to the original design as far as layout aside from some parts that were opened up or squashed. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
After month of planning, prebuilding, building and rebuilding, Dispute is finally here. Designed by myself (whos blaze) and forged by...