Heres a video flythrough Revo made for me to promote the map. This is the newest version shown in the video. [MEDIA] -lowered lift landing...
Blaze updated Dispute [HCS] with a new update entry: New version available. Read the rest of this update entry...
Have to disagree. Maybe in casual pub gaming but in a team-based tournament with a large cash reward. Teamwork should be absolutely demanded in...
Not saying you are wrong because everything surrounding this is opinion based. I've stated what I thought about the problem itself, now I'll dig...
The only real thing I can see from the design that really concerned me is the lack of overlap and some uncomfortably steep ramps. In some...
Great little write up. However, the problem isn't exactly contrast but depth created by contrast. Lockout has a great example of the depth because...
Congrats guys. Really good job. Super happy to see forge maps in the rotation. Disappointed that some of them including my own didn't make the cut...
Looks like a mix of Atheist and my map Oath. from halo 4 mixed together. Looks really good. And I feel like the top is a bit too flat too. Just...
I get what youre saying but midship is the perfect kind of balance to work great for everything. It may be boring to some though that doesn't...
As many floors as need be. Damnation as a reference of height scale and orbital as a reference for what vertically inverse pseudosymerty is in a way.
This has happened to me almost every time I've posted a thread. I get an error message about the servers. sometimes it will post the map anyway.
Actually, I'm kind of curious. I've always wanted to do a 4v4/5v5 vertically inverse pseudosymmetrical interior one-flag map with massive height...
Midship simply works in halo. Probably the best formula for gameplay in general if you want fair matches. Serious question though, have you ever...
Waiho, Sounds like a plan then. I might tightly them up sparingly and post them here any there. Or I might just post them all as is. Depends on...
First off I want to say congrats to everyone making it into the HCS candidates for season 2. After all the sweat that went into recreating Dispute...
I really just don't want that to be a representation of what forgers make. This will completely ruin any newcomers opinions of forgers. To people...
After months upon months of planning, prebuilding, bui I'm not that upset. Haha. Just pretty disappointed in myself for doing all that work but...
After months upon months of planning, designing, prebuilding, building rebuilding and rebuilding again just for this situation it all finally pays...
Free is usually a good price for forge maps. Most of us do it because we love it.