Hey, I just made a comment on your preview, I think. Thanks for the reply dude. One of the biggest focuses of this design was to not cramps the...
Wow, this is impressive. I can't tell too much on how gameplay would be from the video but it seemed like you really got a lot out of your...
I had thought about it but terrain pieces would've been bumpy and add a more random element to the driving as well as destroyed my object count...
Since my gold has been out I haven't been doing much forging but Warlord and I have been working on this for the upcoming CTF update in Reflex....
Blaze submitted a new map: Gallows - 4v4-6v6 multi-flag CTF map designed for an interesting interactions and well balanced gameplay between...
Gallows is an original and more competitive approach to the otherwise casual playstyle that is squads. Sacrificing the majority of aesthetic...
My first map that I made in this game I had a 2 way teleporter that I wanted a cool down when someone went through it and no one found a...
Haven't forged or played with him even in years but rest in peace. People die, it's a part of life. It's cool that he's left some stuff to...
Personally I think this competitive side of squad is really in your head. No disrespect but I feel like you want it to be competitive so much that...
Just my opinion from my personal experiences. Squad doesn't usually attract players that want to devise a plan before making a move, rather they...
Putting a lot of work into this. Not expecting to win because of my differing opinions on how Halo should be played but it'll be nice to throw in...
This looks pretty good for 1 flag. I'll have to take a better look at somepoint. If I finish any of mine for this squad battle maybe we would get...
I knew they were going to do something so I convinced myself to go in with a completely open mind. That being said.... I'm terribly disappointed....
Box, thanks man. Glad you are keeping up to date with it. I tried to update on the train ride home the other day but the internet was poop. Ha...
Digital for me, if they offer a version with dlc as well, I'll be getting that. Steal books and boxes just take up space in your room.
Plasmas are always good in a place like that. Anywhere you may need a little help getting out of is a good place for grenades if you ask me, so I...
Really nice looking map overall. Only a few things I would change or toy around with from what I can see. Firstly, the glass bridge that has a...
Videos are over rated :P and also, that would mean I have to find a program to record my computer and hope that it has the power to run both the...
I had an idea to make a interactive floor plan imagine for a post, thought it'd be cool but I have no idea where I can do it besides on realty...