Really like it if I am imagining it correctly. Though I do have a suggestion for the 3rd floor. Instead of connecting it immediately between 2...
I'm assuming just A-E because it was an early version? or not? Not that it would be a big deal I guess since we have the call out radiuses but...
I know. I was simply providing something that would be a solution that's less complicated then what you described that they said and nice to see...
I believe it'd be fairly simple for them to use a similar functionality to the theater systems screen shot tool implemented straight into forge...
I plan too! And I'll be there to provide some help and a different perspective to you and anyone else so that they can do the same. I'm pumped....
Cool that forge is getting some light. And good job to you (war) and sean. Although the forge creations here all are well deserving I'm quite sad...
Thanks for taking the time to answer all these questions for everyone. I believe I have 3 more, though they're not exactly about forge itself but...
. Thanks for the info. I'll be sure to voice my opinions a little more toward the Cartograforgers. :) As for the Mirroring, let me rephrase. ;P...
I guess I do have some questions that you may or may not be allowed to discuss. There is mirroring, correct? And not likely that we will see...
Awesome that you guys got to go out to this! Maybe next time I'll be able to join you guys. ;) Looking forward to forging with all of you. Will...
Thanks. Yeah, I hate doing art. I'm actually against most theming to be honest past creating landmarks for awareness and player to environment...
Thanks, and War summed it up. Thank you War. Here is gameplay on it during the showcase/announcement for CTF (since it's still in early access)...
No problem at all. I have an idea for something you can talk about if it isn't one of the videos you've already made. I'd like to see a video...
I'll repost the comment I posted on the video since it's easier to discuss here. Very good video. I agree with most of what of what you say and I...
I'm not much into infection but my first thought was "This must be straight out of tony hawk". Haha. So, great execution on the theme!
Map: Gallows. Auther: Blaze Gametype: Multi-flag CTF Canvas: Skyward GT: Whos Blaze Thread: [IMG]...
Thanks for the reply man. I'm glad you noticed the vertical segmentation. As for the outside, that was a specific design choice. I do not want to...
That's good to hear. I'm somewhat the same with that mentality. I don't really hate vehicles, I just don't like the negative effects it has to the...
Personally, think that's the best. I have seen smaller maps with them on, though it never really works out too well.