Wasn't your rally about restoring civility to politics and understanding political differences don't make you "better" than anyone else? Or is...
Hey .
200,000+ John-Stewart-Liberal's patting themselves on the back.
If you're using Chrome you won't be able to from the browser. Right Click > Personalize > Desktop Background > Drag and Drop.
Misuse of potential brain power.
Side note I only need one more person to sign up to be eligible...sooooooo...
I won't stand for such accusations!
She blew up a child for disagreeing with marxist environmentalists...
Pretty cool little contest. Signed up cause I'm a sucker for free stuff. if you want to sign up click the link below. The Razer L33T Giveaway...
The colors got skewed. I'm wading through photoshop help boards and settings trying to rectify the problem.
Probably just going to sell it.
A Starcraft II website. Probably Wordpress based. SC Focus.
Because I can tell you're totally interested in buying my xbox 360. You can't stop talking about it so I just thought I'd offer.
Buy my xbox. I'll mod it for you. LEDs and plexi glass.
Its good but the buildings should have been made in illustrator to preserve the quality.
I like to wear nice things.
Buying a diesel engine. http://i.imgur.com/zPxWo.jpg
OK I tried it. Now its in a bunch of pieces. Whats step two?
olololololol i pro. prepare two b pwnd
Play me, *****. SuDo.245