Confinement A perfect hybrid of Halo 3's Avalanche and Halo 2's Containment 6-16 players After sitting on my hard drive for close to six...
well ive tried everything i can think of, but no dice. i just went ahead and put a normal bridge there for the time being so i can get this map...
So, I'm working on a map right now set on the island. Basically a cross of Avalanche and Containment. There's a thread on here somewhere about...
well, i actually used 48 out of the 50 walls to get what i have here for the big wall, but i think i might know how to remedy that a little bit...
this map, Confinement (working title) is designed to be a sort of hybrid of fan favorites Sidewinder (Avalanche) and Containment. its built on the...
wow. this looks pretty damn impressive. nice asthetics, and easily recognisable to anyone who played halo 2. ill dl and try for myself
This map almost looks like something straight out of a computer or something. Kinda trippy with the lights that close to each other too. how big...
by any chance did you get the idea to make the rocket platform out of railings from my remake? youre the only one i know of who took this...
there is a way to edit the amount of fall damage taken, if im not mistaken... and the difference im getting at is the AMOUNT of stuff that gets...
yes, i realize that none of the "remakes" have been 100% remakes. there have always been slight alterations to how the map plays, due partly to an...
but thats sorta the problem, sorry to say. there is too much changed on this map for it to really be a "remake" of prisoner. No matter how well...
ha ha thanks guys for FINALLY posting on my map. its been sitting in forgehub hell for like three months! when reach came out, i knew that i...
i agree with a dumb cat ^. this is definitely not what most would consider a remake. but it does look like a pretty solid rehashing of what made...
wow... just wow. i was glancing at the list trying to find maps that caught my eye. i saw yours and the first thought that came to my mind was...
this map looks like a combination of foundation and derilict, and its dead sexy
this map is sexy. you got my download
easily the best turf remake ive seen. i dled this a couple weeks ago and have played a few customs on it. this just captures the feel of the...
im not usually a big fan of community made invasion maps ( they usually end up really unbalanced in one teams favor) but this one looks different....
this map looks pretty interesting. ill download and check it out :D
omg this has got to be the best remake of beaver creek ive seen, and ive spent forever trying to find a good one through reaches search function....