I'm having the same problem as Digital Limit. Really bugging me because there were a couple maps I wanted to check out tonight, and I just know...
This thread oughta help you out: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-forge-discussion/142634-guide-dynamic-lighting.html edit: ninja'd by SpinCycle
I LOVE the temple-looking building in the middle. So downloading this tonight when I get back on Xbox. Never played this on Reach, but it looks...
I like what you have going here, except for that empty-ass tunnel connecting the bases. Is that the only thing connecting the bases? If so, I can...
Haha wow thanks guys, I've never had this kinda reception for one of my maps before :D Edited by merge: Btw, if there's anything you find that...
MUST DOWNLOAD WHERE IS LINK No seriously, this looks like a blast to play. And they said custom games were dead...
The more I look at this map, the more I'm tempted to try my own version of Construct, but at Halo 3's scale. I've already graphed it up and...
Dammit, one more reminder that I have yet to actually beat Majora's Mask... The map looks really good, although it's a little too big/open for...
I downloaded and looked through this map earlier, and while it does look quite good in the pictures, once I started poking around in the corners,...
@ Noirtatsu: So basically all I missed was stuff that is limited by forge's functionality, Halo 4's engine constraints, and the impossibility of...
Map Name: Turf Classic Gamertag: Darkprince909 Recommended Players: 2-10 Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, CTF, KOTH, Oddball Preview Thread:...
Map Name: Turf Created By: Darkprince909 Original Map: Turf (Halo 2) Link to FH thread: Map Preview Turf - Forge Hub Download Link: Spartan...
TURF A Halo 2 Remake Download Link: Spartan Hub > File Browser > Map variants > File Share Search > (Darkprince909) > Turf Classic...
I'm split between Rat Race, Gephyrophobia, and Construct. I've already made Turf myself, and it's pending release. Hate Sword Base, and there's...
Great looking map. downloaded a couple days ago. I noticed something toward the end of the vid that you might try to fix. When you threw the...
I'm really concerned with some of the issues in the forge (pieces not lining up, precision mode, invisible wall on the Tower, 3 Story, Erosion's...
Nice remake of The Pit! Definitely has a similar feel to the original, while still standing as it's own version. Least, that's how it felt walking...
whoops, typo. happens to the best of us ig when its 6 in the morning and youre lacking sleep lol. i went back and fixed it. hope you like the...
I dont think id be able to get normal invasion to work properly on this map. i dont have enough budget left to do anything like that, and the map...
um i know how to post pics on here, posted several maps here before. i used imageshack this time instead of photobucket, so idk if that has...