I'm on the seefood diet. If I see food, I eat it. *laughtrack*
If we had this sand map, Halo 5's forge would be PERFECT! (Until we found something else to ***** about lol) But no, I'm all for adding this...
I guess at some point I'll remake Turf again. Way to twist my arm :P
It's sounding like we'll get that with one of the first DLC packs. At the very latest we'll get it in the forge update, since we'd be able to make...
It's been forever since I played it, but there were a few maps in Bioshock 2's multiplayer that might transfer to Halo 5's gameplay (that's if I'm...
Having the flag in Breakout helps to prevent camping. If a round gets down to 2/3 players on one team to one player on the other, the one player...
So if a Breakout piece was spawned on Alpine it would have the blue grid pattern? If so, that would make for some cool displays (like radar...
If you're needing playtesters, I'm down ;)
Put me down as a tester
I feel like the part I'm best at is the actual forging of the layout, especially if I'm working off a blueprint of some kind. That's why my remake...
Yes, but how many people will realistically be playing MCC after Halo 5 is released? At least on a semi-regular basis.
I really hope this gametype is possible in Halo 5. It'd be a shame for something this cool to not catch on simply because it came at the end of...
Before, when I tried to sketch out a map, I always tried to do so on graph paper, and I was always too concerned with getting all the scaling...
And that's why, if it is to prevent people from swearing, why I think it's pointless. If they're that immature, those people will just use...
I'm starting to really like this method of designing maps. Drawing the damn thing out before starting on it is really helping me, because it's so...
Well those differently-abled forgers are just going to do the same with other pieces. I remember someone built a ***** back in Reach. It's...
I wonder why they didn't give us the rest of the alphabet... I'm assuming you can resize the decals? If so, and if we had the whole alphabet, that...
Is it easier to rotate blocks to odd angles now than it was in older forges?
Maybe you can't answer this, but in addition to the Primitives and Floors, how many other menus are there? If you can answer that, can you say...
I thought the limit was 1024 Space Whales. And R3stinP3ac3, we've always had different sizes of several blocks. But the entire palette is 8x the...