So Dax got permeeshunz to finish it looks like. :D Well Dax. If I ever get on H4 while you are on. (I know its bound to happen eventually) I will...
SO FAST! Cool thanks man. I am trying to make it on forge island cause its just a giant floating urban thing. Although it sucks cause they made...
Meh... I dont LOVE any of them but I like all of them. If you know what I mean.
So as long as you have rockets on the map set to "never" all of the other weapons will have less ammo? Cool
Gorgeous as always Duck... and Mock... can't forget Mock :P What did you use for that bridge in the center? Like pieces and rotational snapping....
Me and my brother shoot each other with nerfguns a lot. So it kinda became a habit of mine to carry a loaded nerfgun around the house, ALL THE...
I meant 2-point as in 2 points on the field at a time :/ There better not be 4 points on the field at a time. I would kill myself trying to cap...
Yah, Forge is the only thing I will let you guys get away with complaining about. Cause even I am screwed over by most of it. (Who the hell rounds...
Make it 2-point extraction compatible and you will have that CS feel. You will have it. Its only a preview and it already looks sexy, but I don't...
****ing finally someone on this damn site share my feelings towards halo 4. Everyone keeps bitching about how halo "isn't like halo 3" OF COURSE...
Wait so can Dax finish the map or not :/ I am confuzzled... Either way sexy as all hell. Obviously I wasn't around during the glory days of H3...
Maybe add a lift or two from each base to get to the center platform, would reduce the ability too just camp up there with camo and back smack...
Damn how is the frame rate? Looks real nice and more like it should belong in the aesthetic map category. BUT EH! If it plays it plays right?
Was your inspiration sanctuary? Cause my first thought was you were trying to do a remake of it. lol. I feel like there are not enough ramps up....
My type:ETSJ 1% Extravert 12% Sensing 25% Thinking 56% Judgment
In the last level of the campaign while playing with a friend, I gernaded a Knight out of the map and if you get them off the edge they stop...
The reach DLC maps were fun as ****. If I was brave I would try condemned but...
Well for example when I made my first post that wasn't up to standards and a mod made the scary red text. I was waking up in cold sweats for the...
I can tell exactly what it is like... To thin. Its a nade spam heaven. Needs more levels and routes. Map is to predictable at the moment it seems.
[SPOILER] But seriously though... I am pumped... I dont even have the game but with all of this I still get excited. Also It would be pretty...