first let me get this this sraight. all you wanna do is see her more (but u see her evrey day)? or are you worried about the collage part. i have...
XXXhang3ynutzzXXX \sgt.scroteee/ 11your mom 11(its funny cus it sayes you assassinated ur mom lol)
i was sledding and hit a wall and got a concussion. couldent eat for 2 days or sleep for 3 1/2 :(
true, i will be playing the missions but most people wont be playing the online part and reach will be dominate over halo 3. well the multiplayer...
as you may have guessed this is the thread to say your final respects to our deep freind, halo 3. without it, we would have no forge or a whole...
i cant wait, i love swb2 and loved playing on kamino. will it support any game types like CTF? oddball mabey?
last map for halo 3... is a great one man. defineate download when computer fixes. alos can be used for odd ball
thanks guys
that is cool but it would take forever to float down and really hard to know when to pull the choard at that speed.
the thong made me LMAO hahahah. i want the hat, nice job bro ;)
THANK YOU both u guys . i was so confused now at least i know whats going on :)
okay. so i have been away for a wile beacuse of school so im kind confused on the part were the game type chooses you race (elite/spartain) now...