yes, that would be beast. there should be an armor effect were your secondary wepon is replaced by it then you could use it.
that was fast. but yeah, WE DID IT!!! CANT WAIT FOR NEW ARMOR!!!!!
looks really cool but how did u get more than one light? (the yellow ones)
BWAHAHAHAHA. that entire second part was hilarious. on topic i just think there never even told about sex so they wouldent even know what to do....
if you do not already know this there is a ranger elite in reaches missions that has gold armor and rarely appears and when he does he quickly...
this would be uber. i always wanted it. sure it dosent have to be on reach but mabey you play as a minor and play through the halo wars working...
i love that game. i havent playied the online thou at all. the only big problem i saw in the game was the alien controlles. way to hard, but still...
i agree, i had no idea you could. btw thanks man on the info man :)
you have a point, enemies do get upgrades and that means more point, but dose it mean more credits. you see my new router is currenty not set up...
ok so dose any one know if haveing a higher difficulty in campaign means geting more credits in the end? like if i play on heroic will i get more...
what difuculty r u on. and do u know if the harder the diffuculty means more xp
lmao, wait, is that kat there? haha
ill have live back by tomorrow so ill defineatly download this later :). btw this looks great. keep up the good work
yeah thats what i meant
JUST SAW ONE arnoldsnortsenw33n3r thats arnold snorts en weener if you can read it.
yeah me too. im also sad that you cant go farhter out over water. would have been perfect blackout remake.
serch it on the search bar. i have a thread with the vid in it :)
OMG I GOTS COOL IDEA. i think beaver creek would also be cool and for evrey one that said space maps, yes.
wayyyy back when halo: ce came out i was 5. i would always go over to my cousins house and play it online. his name was masterangelo116 (11/6 his...
ok so i preordered the legendary version of reach and i was wondering how i get the elite and reacon armor. i think reacon you get leveling up...