no i mean of all the halos what is your favorite. i know about that other one
copyright fail. why would you put this on youtube? didnt u know they would take it down?
i was just wondering what everyone thought was there favorite level from ALL the halos and why. me, the last level in halo 2 is mine. fighting...
sex, paint ball, guitar, gf
how you do invisible weapons?
is this at all inspired by the splatter house game? just wondering
yeah i would want it for customs and forge world. mabey even a dog fight gametype with different ships for loadouts
different stats for elites/spartains and for each loadout would be cool
thank you very much, but how u set it as avatar without a link?
i did it already :)
try it 4 me if it will work
like nukes? if we go to war with them im almost positve there will be somekind of flying wepons used. but will we go to war with them im on the...
well the ak-47 has been used since nam and people still use it today. so yeah if its a good gun already why make a new one and use up money. thats...
ok i watched the the vid and im pretty sure i saw a kitten in the first screen mess up. no joke. hoax to me.
uhh i dont know forge on the new halo game cus ill be playing this untill then. dont tell me there wont be a new one and yes i know bungie dosent...
you've encountered a lv.45 stego-phantom thats cool man. u win, and i like the music you did XD
its because we come here for amazing maps. we always see normal maps sp why would we care? but the stupid part idk. one little stupid thing kills...
YOUVE HADE A SPARK OF GENUIS! thats totally why i feel and i think arby
i forgot haha my bad. im going with not possible then
do u mean there own dead body or running around tapin L stick (hehe that sounds wrong)