YouTube - wtf boom ^^just happened to my mind. this is amazing. gonna download this later and maby post back ps i stole the wtf boom from...
thats bad ass man, how did you make it look south parkish lol
a few questions, can spidy be killed and if he does is the game over. and when the bikers die do they stay dead? btw i love this idea. if this...
awwwww. i came to see a map on tempest. you shoud fix that. anyway, map looks very accurate. i like how you copyied the old pic from halo 2 on...
dude you did make some of the best maps on here. im not just saying that. you and your maps will be missed :,)
DAM YOU!!!! I WAS GONNA DO THIS!!!! jk i had lots of ides: reach from the point of veiw of elites or chief or both! halo 4: search for chief a...
that would have been bad ass for it to happen in the levels like when you caome down to red health it would start to, but health things would take...
suicide: the player takes out whatever grenades they have and for 3 seconds can run to one or multible targets, by hitting trigger it can be short...
1:41- teabag!!!!
happy new year! 2011
yeah just make a struture (in the sky) of it using the large walls and put rocks over them the with the remaining money try to make the bases....
well i dont do it for like 10 seconds becuase you will get killed. thats why i only do it for like 2 seconds, just so they get the messsage
were did they hint? link?????????? and neo you have a point but bungie dose not really follow the books so it could have been done and would...
halo 2 was best. for all the reasons ninja arbiter said and you canz play arby level. and the only real boss fight that wasnt easy as hell. halo...
i never said the ending is bad i just thought it would have been cool with an arbiter in it, like when noble 6 was on the ground an arbiter just...
that would have been cooler than an unlimited amount of elites coming at you
haha yeah, good times man
u dun goofed: kill yourself with your own sticky-nade noob: get 5 nube tube kills in one life scopeless: get a no scope firin teh laza: get a...
yeah, he did it with an army and guns and giant ships and stuff. i'd like to see how far he gets with nothing
seems like alot of u guys like teh halo 1, thay should like add a level pack with all the ones from halo ce with reach gameplay