New Glyph, 'Day One' : halo
I already posted it earlier. Fix glitches, fix gametype options.
its more like a thread for general complaining as opposed to actually being anything productive at all. a good portion of the thread is...
as far as i know, yes. and that kind of bugs me. like i said, i liked how Reach made it like 1,000,000 between each of the highest levels.
i started with Operator, but no it doesnt ever get that much harder. like Chris said, the final couple levels of each specialization are like 60K...
i dont believe in youuuuuuuuu
am i seeing a ghost
dat train. we were messing with those crates and grav volumes last night and they kept freezing in place and would not do what we wanted, so im...
It would be nice if we could get some numbers on those commendations. It sucks how they go thru multple tiers, and you can't see your overall...
ok? flr
I didn't say anything disrespectful. I playtested his map and gave my feedback.
it looks way cooler than my map on ravine :'( i quit lol
theres a super badass looking chestplate that requires complete Weapon Mastery. 0_0
hey sorry for ditching your invites, i was in a super fun game of cat & mouse and simply could not leave! =)
i think this is a different circumstance, because of how the entire thing is visible at one time from either side. unfortunate :'(
^_^ finally got oceanic but now its gonna go away when i specialize =(
??? my spartan?
i come bearing bad news... we just playtested this with 6V6. #1 - framerate is back in Halo 4 with a fierceness. #2 - as i feared, boarding...
checked it out in forge. really excited to get some playtests on it. i loved boarding action. i agree with Duck about the grav volumes, it would...
good to know. send an invite.