Goddamnit. I hate the stupid 'Waiting to respawn (area not safe)' 'Waiting to respawn (teammate in combat)' crap. I wasn't really paying attention...
****ing loved Red Alert 2. Those Soviet Dogs were the best :D I'd just make huge armies with only Soviet dogs and the little spider drone things...
This thread is not related to CAF. Downloaded it from a 3rd party.
Yah, that's oldsauce.
It's not a shadow, it's a puddle of water.
yeah, this sucks but w.e all the new brushes are repped. [img]
Took me as long as it took to lasso loose circles around everything and then click Edit > Fill. [IMG] --- I'm not saying this is amazing or...
Sounds like you're just a coward.
1. That doesn't sound at all like steampunk. 2. Who cares if someone else has done it? In this day and age, someone has done pretty much everything.
Something steampunk involving flying contraptions, undersea flotillas, and quirky yet lovable characters.
I think you're pathetic for not doing anything about this problem.
Yeah but I got the mods to ban him for a few months lol.
Why are you friends with bullies? Who cares if everyone hates you for doing the right thing? It's high school - not the rest of your life.
Oh, oops. I downloaded the portable beta a few days ago but forgot to install it. Must go do that now.
Um, they already believe him so they must be total idiots. I doubt he needs to change anything if they're that dumb.
Just wait until the Content Aware Fill in CS5. You'll probably able to lasso up the whole pond with all it's scum, hit delete, and have the ****...
I am glad that so many people agree with my suggestion. However, I am not surprised. You gotta do what you gotta do, regardless of the consequences.
Those are some pretty awesome shots man. Good lighting too. Lucky it was a nice day :P
I agree with Matty.
Teach those bastards a lesson. Stop being a ***** bystander and do something with your damn life.