True that. :P
It's a unique code in the link that was generated specifically for him. He gets people to go to the link that has his ref code in it, and he gets...
Maybe you should take your friggin ref code out of the link, you conniving sneak. Don't try to trick people into clicking it.
I'm liking it, but maybe cut off a little bit from the left side.
First, why does it say you only have 3 posts? Secondly, I feel like we are the same person in many ways. Originally started 'Shopping through...
Fix points where the wrist turns into the forearm.
Good, the ****ing douchebags. I want my ****ing infinite friendslist.
I don't use armor, so make sure you hit me first. I'm obviously the greatest threat if I am so good that I can Rambo it.
You are able to come out of armor lock quick enough that you should be able to kill the guy or run away. Also, if you're good with the armor lock,...
Did you make these sprites? They're boss.
Stop complaining just because you're bad at the game. Also, there will be more armor abilities for both species in the full game.
Can some of the ghost jumps and the ones that don't require evade still be done by Spartans?
That would be how you ensure that
Aw, boohoo.
Or maybe an inverted color band across it (where the color going across is one color but when it passes through the eiffel tower it changes color)
Deleted for leaks
Lol, you can just convert it in Photoshop right to CMYK in the menus. I think it's somewhere under Edit > Mode.
I think they blend quite well as they create the backgrounds.
That nose is terrible. Really, who has a nose like that? They just don't exist. The eye is cool and all but it's somewhat flat and doesn't seem...
Nah, it's a good place.