Someone should just read the machine code.
Well? No response?
You sound cool and all, but no one cares. (Not trying to be a ****. I'm glad to have a new member here at the 'Hub, but when you join here,...
Okay, good :P
See visitor message.
It's not his intellectual property; it's Bungie's. Sure, he thought of it and built it, but he doesn't own the map. Sure, out of respect for him...
You understand that I wasn't intending any disrespect with my comment about intellectual property, right? I was only saying that the Forging...
Use Photoshop.
Probably the same room discussed in this: [IMG]
This is not called the 'diorama effect'. It's called 'tilt shift'. It's basically selectively blurring the top and bottoms of the photo (among...
Oh yeah because it's totally his intellectual property.
Were you playing with...a joystick?
Why limit yourself to 5000 when it could easily be over 9000?
Okay, Rita.
Why am I Cristobal?
Vince, after all the time we've spent ****ing with each other, are you still not able to recognize my sarcasm? It wasn't exactly minecraft; however, it was its basis and was pretty much the same game. OT:...
Just putting this in here: I remember when me, along with several other Forgehubbers, played the original version of Minecraft (which was called...
This makes a lot of sense, but the reason you haven't gotten any responses is because most members here are dumb. They probably took one look at...
Thanks. And really? It's already very sharp as it is, in my opinion.