The difference between Outlast and Outlast progression is that the haven in Outlast is static while in progression it progresses throughout the...
I have two infection maps ready for testing: Map: Spillway [Beta] Gametype: Outlast [Beta] Gt- MartianMallCop Map: Garb [Beta] Gametype: Outlast...
MartianMallCop submitted a new map: Sweaty Turret - Get Ready To Get Sweaty Sweaty Turret is a minigame where the a human has to fight off waves...
Sweaty Turret is a minigame where the a human has to fight off waves of dudes with swords with a revolving machine gun turret. The enemies can...
Outlast and Outlast Progression gametype are finally ready for testing. Also Garb is ready for testing as well
One of the issues I always had with the ammo boxes in this game is that they only worked with the sniper and rocket launcher. With some scripting...
So its skirmish from reach with AIs more players and base cores. Very intriguing. It could be a hit or a miss but I like how it sounds. But I...
Blockhaus has been updated again if anyone wants the latest version
Changelog: Made Smoother Routes into to top towers via the rooftop
MartianMallCop updated Blockhaus with a new update entry: The Rooftop Update Read the rest of this update entry...
In this video I show how to create randomized map events. This works mostly for infection and I wouldn't recommend it for much else. This allow...
I'm actually working on a linear infection gametype and map that which doesn't use flight.
Changelog: Teleporter Spawning System Fixed Easier ways to cleanly get into top towers Outlast Last Stand gametype is default Cover added to...
MartianMallCop updated Blockhaus with a new update entry: Pet Peeve Update Read the rest of this update entry...
I think you may have played it. The Outlast scoring settings are what I have considered to be the perfect scoring settings. Rewards players for...
I like this alot but there are a few issues with this. 7 rounds is a long period of time. Giving zombies no points leads to less incentive to kill...
Had to hard reset Xbox give me a sec
There is a newer version of blockhaus you will need to grab. Also Outlast Last Stand is the new gametype for Blockhaus and is also on my filshare.