Blockus has been update to support Squad Territories. Squad Territories is in the Psycho Duck's fileshare
MartianMallCop updated Blockus with a new update entry: Blockus territories update Read the rest of this update entry...
MartianMallCop submitted a new map: Sinkhole - A sinking city perfect for an Infected Outbreak Sinkhole is my mutated freak of a highly vertical...
Sinkhole is my mutated freak of a highly vertical infection map with tons of vertical overlap which plays for Outlast gametype and also supports...
No worrys we will definitely be making tutorials to help out with that stuff
This is a really interesting concept. I'll talk with PA1NTS about it
Pro tip to help you out - objects with a lot of polygons cause maps to have lower framerate. Objects like wall colliseums, cylindar larges, ramp...
How's your frame rate on that map, looks like you have alot of high frame rate affecting pieces
Sure that would be nice
I'll take a look at it
Testing lobby cancelled
Thinking about doing a testing lobby around 7pm - 8pm Arizona time if you guys are interested. If you have a map that was originally Hivemind make...
True it was more for feedback on the video.
Thought this would be very useful for you guys check it out. [MEDIA]
For those who don't know the specifics on how to make your map compatible for Outlast. Load your map up in forge with the infection gametype. Then...
K tomorrow it is thenInfection Testing lobby tomorrow evening 5 pm Arizona time
Planning on having a testing lobby for Outlast and Last Stand maps. If you have a freeroam map just stick a haven on it as Outlast is pretty much...