this map looks realy cool. it seems kinda like a city with the little halo twist. you have an excelent post and i saw some well done interlocking....
this map looks realy cool. ithere is some excelent forging and very well geomerged spots. the gameplay seems realy fun and not repetitive. the map...
What u have showed us is realy no that great. i have no idea what the rest of the map is. do i have to download to find out? personly, i dont...
WOW. this looks insane. the interlocking looks so well done. how long did it take u to make this man. this is soooo!!!!! cool. im am truly...
sooo.... how long did it take u to make ur little rhyming sceme. the map looks ok and is one of the first i have seen with 2 peple to complete a...
looks ok. at least u, oh wait , no u didnt interlock. you might want to go and check that out. are there any vehicals on the map... if not then...
well... no there is not a bottom area. The original plan was to put one but my plan was to make this map as fast paced as possible. Spawn killing...
the map looks like it was your first map. i still remeber mine. i made a big fort and loaded it with power weapons. thats kinda what u did hear. i...
seems ok. not sure what good it is except haveing fun. how bout that the top is a base and when zombies are tryin to run and get ya, you just go...
looks cool. it reminds me of an escape pod. if this was an infection game and u guys have like a base, and the zombies are invading. this would...
this is definatly better than the other post u had. im still looking for weapons and a good explination on ur map. what gameplay do u suggest? how...
simply average and anyone can do this. there was no interlocking no geomerging. the post it self was bad. i did not explain or state weapons at...
i guess it looks ok. im not a fan of cod cause it is for fist person shooter noobs. it is by far the easiest of all FPS games. u dont even have to...
this map looks insane and is a definate download. i was amazed at all the interlocking and geaomerging. this looks like u put a lot of time and...
uh....???? is this a race track or a slayer map. i c u have a lot of jumps and stuff but u also have weapons. im a little confused and u have...
this map looks so cool. it seem like it is a perfect 1v1 or team doubles match. the forging looks great and everything seems realy clean. this map...
the layout looks ok but i tink the weapon placement was quite bad. four turrets is far to much. some of the br stations need a nade jump to get...
lol. srry man but i am currently working on a v2 for this map. it will be more smooth and have better gameplay. the spawns will be fixed to make...
i checked out ur pic links and i must say that this map could take me about 5 mins. i think u should redo the entire map and then repost. check...
not to sure what to say about this one. i guess it looks ok. i dont think making a map like this would take to long. i think this game it like a...