I was just pointing out that it's not odd for a 4v4 asym to be 1flag, it's actually the norm.
Asyms are usually 1flag chief.
This is all you have to do for now, edit this into your post in the Smackdown signup thread. Copy and paste the following in to a reply, and fill...
The day I can burn this game in a fire will be oh so satisfying.
1v1 me bro
The part you're missing is that it was a prize
So I just happened to be first? Also, I don't why we can't just keep ours since we had already been given them for winning a contest. Sounds...
So I'm the only one? Hmmmmm
I don't really see why, other than you don't feel like giving them out personally anymore?
Well to be fair, the "quake-lo" forgers tend to ***** about grey more than anyone else. I don't particularly dislike grey, but I do need to play...
If the blocks and walls look better we won't be as dependent on brace larges. (I agree the tail does suck) That's the thing people aren't getting...
I loaded up your most recent version and found a potential problem. I believe that GL room/CPU platform will be the main focus of the map to the...
Vote for circle jerk '12
I think it would be better if it was sorted out by FHF #. It'd be easier to keep up with the more current maps.
Whatever map you "saved as new map" last is the one it will overwrite when you hit save.... Doesnt matter what map you're on at the time..... So...
Looking at your map, I can see why you have issues with enhanced.... Your map is practically the size of 25m enhanced. If you are in the middle...
My money's on The Pit and/or Valhalla... The most popular 4v4 and BTB maps from halo 3, respectively.
The only AA that would've benefitted from being on one of the top buttons (LT,LB, etc) in reach was the jet pack, and I don't think it's in halo 4...
It's been proven with science.
Ummm Dpad down? I think that will switch grenades for default controls, which gives you room for sprint..... I just want bumper jumper with...