Oakley High-Def actually posted a videos further explaining how to do it. Basically the technique is similar to how you drop spawned weapons in...
So I'm assuming this can't be done on a normal slayer/obj map. I'm actually in the process of this for a design and it's been giving me some...
I'm really getting sick of people bitching about other posts in this forum. Just ignore it. It's not that ****ing hard. It's dumbing the game...
I found this to be hilarious. One of my CoD fanboy friends told me he thought halo4 had a much better multiplayer than blackop2. He then went on...
I haven't been able to log in to THC with my IPad since the change. I dont think there is a way to login. I can't find it anyway.
Honestly, I find camo to be more OP'ed than PV. I'm pretty much guaranteed +10 to my spread when I use it over any of the others. I've really...
The BR is clearly inferior in long distance encounters. The DMR has far more range, its disapointing.
I have to strongly disagree with this. Too many weapons isn't a good thing, and in fact it can be detrimental to map flow/overall gameplay. With...
Hey look, it's Penance.
The geo merging problem seems to only be a glitch on ravine.
He was referring to the fine adjustments used by holding down the LS. There's still a way around it, albeit more difficult.
Calm down, Quasimodo. I was only saying that franky is full of **** for thinking that only 1% of halo players care about ranked.
1% my ****
Doesn't look to be any ranked.... Also it has been confirmed that there is no option to turn off sprint. However, The flood doesn't have sprint...
No option to remove auto flag grab. No option to allow flag dropping. No assault. Grifball: check Started a thread at waypoint about it....
Rewatch the video, there are 2 parts where they show an area with objects that have more of a rusted look. I would assume if the prefab pieces...
Plaza Download [IMG]
Just so you know, I was agreeing with you. So the platform you are referring to is the one that leads to GL? (the one that isn't the needler...
I said the same thing when the change was made but what do I know. The GL platform was lowered as a quick fix for avoidance issues. I'm...
Whenever you get a chance I'd like to talk to with you, preferably on Xbl.