Your first point would make much more sense for matchmaking, however keeping the whole system like it was in Reach/hybrid with Halo 4 for custom...
I didn't say I liked it, I just preferred it when people stayed gone over a system that drops you into the end of a losing game. Drop in drop out...
You say this like it came out months ago...
Personally I absolutely hate join in progress. I always get shoved into a game where my team is getting ass raped and all I get out of it is...
Fire up the slayer gametype in the forge lobby (rather than basic editing) and you should be able to set a label to 'Slayer Only' or something...
Wow this is awesome! I don't know what else to say really other than I really like the aesthetic twist you've put on it while retaining its old...
Can i just say that at least the campaign has gone back to huge sprawling alien structures and vast landscapes rather than Reach's human bore....
Each to their own. I personally saw a lot of amazing community invasion maps that were fun to play. I wont argue that matchmaking invasion...
Can't get my head around your explanations. **** it, and **** 343/Certain Affinity for not including Invasion. Good luck with it though.
If you want something new to promote Psychoduck i should have something ready in a week or so ;)
Yeah a few minor bugs... you know... like the entire fileshare system not working. But hey, only minor. Personally, i liked Reach a lot for its...
Very interesting read. Thanks for posting.
I can destroy with SAW. A SAW ordnance drop can get my up to 10 kills
**** its not there
Ok gimme half an hour then Ill check
Lol got Venator from my pre order.
Not too sure actually havent checked.
Ok ill have to double check but i know UNSC Loadout master is simply just all the commendations i mentioned before achieved... ergo, get lotsa kills.
You have to complete the BR, DMR, Pistol, Assault Rifle and Frag commendation completely.
Get this. Im so used to Battlefield/MW2 controls that I thought why not use Fishstick (melee and crouch on sticks, zoom with left trigger)....