Objective settings: 1. Anything is an oddball spawn, you just need to adjust the gametype label which is under advanced settings. These labels are...
Thought youd like it ;)
Im available to chat late/early morning on the 24/25th which is like morning 24th for you. Ill be around then if you wanna chat.
Thats sick.
Im not getting that same vibe like you get in halo 3 because its on Impact. It looks fiarly accurate, but the colours and texture dont do it...
Yep its there along with 3 unique gametypes created specifically for Episphere. And its funny, i make maps, but im hardly ever in customs... I...
Oh wow, someone knows how to promote their map! You are quite an artist sir, both in construction of that beautiful looking map and them smooth...
Looks fairly accurate. Heres the heatmap someone mentioned. [IMG]
Oh its ready, im just gonna wait. If you wanna start capturing footage now go for it, but yeah i may use the video you make in the map post.
I could tell what this was from the first picture. Looks pretty awesome, defs looking out for this when its done.
You can thank Kaveman for that witty name. :P
Thats awesome! Glad you guys had a blast. Did you only play Orbitfiesta or did you try out the other two variants?
Ah so you're Oakly HiDef. I have you online but cannot remember who i have added from Forgehub. That would be absolutely awesome if it were...
Got something to say?
Ive tried on Ravine and the edges are all plagued with those insta kill zones.
Hey their Molotov. Just beware that you will have competition ;) On the outside we appear to help one another out, but in reality we are always...
- Unoficial Release 17/12/12 - Yes. Its finally here. Done and dusted! I don't know how you actually access files, but my gamertag is...
Good idea actually. Hopefully we can get at least 8, but more the merrier for Episphere.
You're getting better Oli ;) Nice video though and shmexy looking map.