he is a guy on the internet. say and wont true. I could mod my guitar hero metallica and say "I got a sneak peek at the new,comlpetly unheard of...
I bet,just because he says he play reach,doesnt mean he did.
Is it just me or do you need a password to see the forge academy?
..there is no way this is reach,how would that gun even work? im not buying it,unless you give me some really good proof.
if not those to, I want my name to be SRS black
true,but that means there is a dumbledore opening. I think shock should be dumbledore. Not just because he is an admin. (him or the rusty eagle)
I dont,the aimer isnt in the middle of the screen
:( do I still get to be the dark lord?
The Jacob Potter Series where did this go?
so hows your life been as of recent?
I label it as a success.
Halloween. I was a kissing booth.
ohi....remember me?
congratz,Im sorry if Im (alot) late. I havnt been on in a week or so.
I havnt trick r treated for 2 or 3 years. So Im going as a kissing booth.
evil emporor is the best by far,I dont know what you did to make that brute look like that,but keep it up.
Its good your wiling to step down for your life,and its good your service will resume shortly,I hear you like to give infractions
demotion for textured sun? your one of the longest running mods here.
then we will be prepared
wow,only the bast maps for the best players,atleast the ones of us not in the tournament can download. good luck to the two that get to play on...