life......and the computer at my grandparents,AND at my house both are broken. such a sad tale.
I know,its been quite the while for me and Forgehub.
Long time no see!
I know,but it took forever to get.
i believe this,along with the last LMG from COD4,will make a happy man. But i dont suppose bringing downpour and pipeline back wouldnt hurt. :D
couple of questions- for a sniper class,Spas-12 or M1014? anyone use thermal for assualt rifles besides me? any easy way to get extended...
my monday has started off rather well,while being mildly sick,i am on forgehub,facebook,and am enjoying some metallica. It's all good!
IMMA doin good,sneakin on here at school while im on an "educational" site in another tab.
herrow,remember me?
its been on-off snowing 'round here all winter. Were all out of snow days so its not gonna be fun to make those days up. unless we can miss about...
herrow old chap.
does anyone have thoughts on the TMP? it reminds me of (the alltime best weapon in COD history) the scorpion. small mag,good iron sights,quick...
anyome else love the M1014? i dont ever see it online. And whats the "javilin suicide bombers" i hear so much about from random people.
I want to know why everyone loves the ACR so much,I tryed,and keeping track of my scores,my three game total (ACR only) was kills:15 assists:7...
what was it,and by chance do you remember me? it seems nobody does. I was that annoying kid in off topic.
did you used to go by a differant name on forgehub,sorry im newish
learn either lead guitar,bass,piano,or drums. I have access to all but bass. get buff stop gettting in trouble at school get a girlfriend...
Ive tryed both and honestly the .50cal just doresnt feel like it has the stopping power (i know their "the same") and the intervention is better...