if it makes you feel better i edited it.
Hi there.
Anyone know a decent way to train up for red besides mount silver,I dont like just regular training inside the mountain,not enough XP per pokemon....
oh lawdy lawdy what on the earth has happen! /talking like old lady at church
beat that,first fight,second pokeball. (it was a dusk ball,since it was night) thats even better than lugia,whom i got on my first battle...
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! :D
sad to say no,what happened to your 360? red ringed?
I have run into many shiny pokemon i memory,and im sure theree is more that i dont remember from when i was younger. -hoothoot (silver) -meoth...
Im on spring break all week for starters. I had to majorly clean my room (if you had met my brother you would know why it needs cleaning). I got a...
well thats the only one ive ever had. off the subject of games,how has life been?
cant say i do,i have 12 for the DS,but when your stuck on a single level for 9 straight hours it kinda burns you out on it. I still havnt beat...
Instead of typing my own message,he explained for me too.
By chance is there more than one metal coat? i already evolved mine.
yes,they are good,and do you have the new final fantasy?
hello there everyone! My to be ingame team,any suggestions? (P.S. i completely unaware of move tutor attacks) Tyranatar: earthquake firefang...
hi hi hi hi hi hi hi
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii there person from britian!
viruses=no fun. I have no clue where or how i got them.