im sorry,i missed it,but very late happy birthday. sorry,but i hadnt been on since the 19th to say hi.
On the off chance you rememeber me,HI!
You may not remember me,but Im happy to hear from you,not happy to hear what you've been through,but happy to see you back. Being a random guy...
just because they're cool,gardevior,scizor,dragonite,aerodactyl,crobat,and luxray would be an awesome team
i have to say,its not been so bad,If its relevant at all,I,along with 12 others are on the paper staff,so i basically have a free first period. :)
Like lights,my favorite team is the chargers. I know im from tenneessee,but the titans are miserable.
wow,high school is so confusing,need like three binders and seven notebook,and Im ot even sure how many folders. (that may have been SLIGHTLY...
If they betray me on purpose,yes I betray. Ive been betrayed by a bouncing sniper bullet. on purpose i swear he did.
I started my freshman year today,thanks for all the tips guys,but so far my year has been horrible all half day of it.
I just thought it was an epic enough find to post,it took me a long time to meet the guys trade requirements though. a level 60+ salamence. i...
I found a shiney absol the other day,its timid though.
They only get those kind of streaks through using cheap tactics,like toxic+detect+protect,or spore punch breloom.
luxray is the best,i am raising a level 58 shinx,a 57 luxio,and a 60 luxray,all with special moves. Also,ditch the ponyta,and just get something...
I feel the same way,I acaully went on a long breeding spree,I now have two females of every starter exept turtwig. took me two days.
there are a few pokemon i need to add to my pokedex...If you have leafeon or glaceon,as you cant get them without trading,and I havent encountered...
I LOVE ONLINE TRADING! Seriously,Ive traded like a million (or fifteen) pokemon just today. On seriousness,I went through all my eggs and...
haha,well I was shocked
same here,exept I had to start from scatch on my pokedex,not many imports (seeing as they were all on diamond,and i lost my diamond game) so all I...
Does anyone else have/use shoddy battle? im one the smogon server and doing quite good,my record is around 85% wins.