It's pretty awesome. I'm in Dionysius park and the amount of possible options plot wise is pretty nice. You can tell that if you choose certain...
Tbh I don't know how people ever fall for these types of things. Firefox?
I don't know why anybody does that. I think it's retarded.
It depends on the class I guess.
The M1014 with the foregrip. Nothing beats it.
viva pinata 1&2 (xbox 360) hannah montana (nintendo DS)
Or not enough marijuana is being burned. My solution is to smoke moar.
cheech and chong (all) anything by quentin tarantino fight club
If I start to go negative, it means I need to smoke more, I must not be high enough to be playing video games.
To be honest, if you want a stealth class a silenced SMG would be a lot better. I usually use my stealth class (UMP.45/P90 Silenced with Marathon...
Currently serving day 4 of my Suspension. (Look in the Van Nevis Chat Thread for full story) TL;DR--- Got sticked out, too messed up in school,...
Scorpion Silenced was where it was at. That little piece of **** actually merked.
ITT: People sucking each other's cocks. It's a ****ing game. MW2 is a joke. Scorpion with the ACOG.
I don't know about you, but about a foot of concrete doesn't seem very thin to me.
I just want people to be aware that I did not seriously suggest Nickelback.
name: what the **** kills: 1000 kills effect: kills everyone on the map and resets their prestige's and ranks and classes to zero and makes you...
I use the regular scope, because i'm a robot man with built in thermal sight capabilities.
I don't know how anyone plays on any sensitivity than medium. If I play on any higher sensitivity it makes me dizzy.