I don't know about you guys, but the default Microsoft Headset is just fine every time. I'll just crank up the TV if I want to hear the whole...
i'm baked as a blue cat. good monday. tomorrow is the big day. :)
heartbeat sensor blinged grip on L86 LSW ****s **** up
Camping, Lag Switching, Bridging Host. The usual.
What I am trying to say is: Not everyone is cut out for the military. I'd say the majority of citizens today, are not even thinking about...
Blend it in a little more, add a little more whatever you kids call it now (back then we called it C4D's) to the top right corner, layers,...
Because the Military sucks. that's a tl;dr for you. :-/
Woke up, still have no money from my Saturday night (which was awesome) won't be getting paid till Friday, no marijuana and only one cigarette...
Just finished blazing about an hour ago. This saturday was life changing. Monday does not phase me.
I hope you understand that staring at topless co-eds and getting "whizzed off your ****" are not family activities. Getting high does not make...
You're totally right bro. I can't believe I didn't come to this realization sooner. I should sell my xbox for more weed. God damn, you are a...
I do it out of the goodness of my own heart. It's a little something I can give back to this community.
Maybe you guys should smoke more before you play videogames? Playing videogames just to play videogames, sucks. And what the ****, how do...
You probably think it's boring because you haven't gotten all the good guns yet. There's a big learning curve in this game, And while you may play...
Or maybe Microsoft just produces shitty poorly made consoles?
Had a good wake and bake in the morning. Played xbox and stuff and did nothing fairly special.
At least they don't force people to purchase new maps to play ranked matchmaking. Bungie can go **** themselves. That's brutal honesty.
That's because Halo 3 sucks and Bungie and Microsoft are a bunch of filthy pigs.
Reactions like these are the reason I use bling pro with thermal and heartbeat with RPG as my secondary. Victory.
I've been reading all of your posts and I havent had the time to respond to any of them, but I'm making the time to now tell you that your...