Good day. Picked up another 8th. Smoked, drank, beer pong. Mondays are good.
If you need to call the police on your own party, those people aren't your friends. And they are using you.
Hungover. Friday, smoking L's, playing beer pong. Saturday, oxycodone in the morning, marijuana for lunch and beer pong for dinner. Sunday,...
Knowing people who ride the white horse, and knowing people who handle embalming fluid, the euphoria from the white horse is way better. White...
^this this and this a thousand times this.
I mean, this is the stuff that's supposed to emulate the effects of different narcotics with different songs right? I mean, the last time I...
Whats ironic is, is that these are all better under the influence of any narcotics.
I spend the majority of my time near college kids and college graduates.
If this is the official statistic, my experience does not match the standard.
I'm not too sure about you but the majority of 19-31 year old men don't have plans to get married in the near future.
Was smokin an L before I got home. Mom doesn't have work. She went and searched my room without telling me and found my ash tray. She is such a...
You're young, and you have all he perfect qualities to get into the sack with women. Marriage is the last thing on your mind. You grow older,...
btw m9.
M10 doesn't do more damage. From experience i've learned it takes 3+ shells to kill anyone not at point blank range. Striker has a huge clip...
if you honestly believe that he M1014 is better than the striker you are so sadly mistaken.
You know what love is? A bunch of chemicals in your brain that makes you feel good. Sorry Romeo. Btw cite your motherfucking sauce.
Yeah really, this^ You guys seem to blow up small problems. Is xbox and a beta really the only problems on your lives? I wish my life was as simple.
My body is killing me from Friday. best night of my life so far.
Monogamous love is impossible and goes against human nature.
Shitty weekend. Shitty grades on my report card. Grounded. Urine test in 2 weeks. The deciding factor whether i'm sent away for summer or not....