I do not usually play first person shooters anymore. I actually spend very little time now playing xbox, the only reason my xbox really gets...
I consistently have dreams about myself or those I care about being killed/dying. Is this a sign or something ?
Travel back to the 60's. Live out the rest of my life doing drugs and following the hippie movement.
I think it's a fair assumption that if your involved in sketchy activities, you're going to come in contact with sketchy people.
So are guns and gangs and a whole bunch of other stuff. I'm not exactly sure what you are debating about. I'm not sure how you think you can...
Drug abuse is the best lifestyle.
Why dont you just save it because all of those options are a waste of money.
Fight Club is, and probably forever will be my favorite movie of all time. Watched: Black Hawk Down recently, one of my first war movies ever...
santa is awesome.
Why would you want to be missed by an internet forum? Nobody actually cares about you.
As of right now, my most profitable venture has been selling pot. 9-5, honest labor, is for chumps.
5 years? Either: A) I'll straighten up my act, start becoming more conservative, be graduating out of college (not sure which one) and hopefully...
You can't quote yourself. That's like a unwritten rule, you arrogant bastard.
Prime example of middle school infatuation.
Last I heard foreghub is the new b'awwwww blog. Girl problems? Come on with this sillyness, don't be lettin dem bitches bring you down.
You're the winner. Only because you got there first. If you get what I'm saying. ;)
Jailbreaking is useless if you all your looking for is checking emails, browsing the web and listening to music. I did it and the only thing I...
State that the president is black. How racist can we be?
Buy yourself a ceiling mounted hammock, a $85 pocket watch and a black light. Now your keepin it classy.
everytime i've ever been too ****ed up to realize that i'm lighting the filter of my final cigarette. :'(