A used honda or other cheap used car would be a good first car. My friend says all Honda's come with snap on, whether this is true or not I have...
group thumbs up for people who piss in the shower.
i hate how no matter what i say everytime i go to the hospital, they never prescribe me any fun meds.
i'm mad cause we look like trash.
that guys looks like a douchebag and i shop mostly online. the brands i stick with are LRG, Crooks and Castles, Nike, and whatever else is...
i hate how i can't view off topic.
Tipping automatically is for the birds.
Did anyone else read the thread title as "I got laid today?"
the dirty jers'
You'd think that it would be redundant to ask "u mad" in a 'Vent Your Frustrations' thread.
And I sure as hell don't trust 'em.
i hate people who hate.
What exactly do you have against cigarette smokers and/or cigarettes in general? You seem like a really self righteous douche face.
I'm obviously mad if i'm posting in a "vent your frustrations" thread. Don't you ****ing hate when people judge people for their personal...
You know what's really starting to piss me off? The constantly increasing prices of dutch masters and cigarettes. Smoking may not be illegal, but...
Definitely athletes. I'm not exactly sure how anyone can say that they aren't, especially when none of you can even come close to be able to do...
I used to play often but I haven't played in a good year. Are you talking about castling your rook and having 3 pawns at their start position?...
a vent for air. duh.
I know where all my air vents are in my house, because i've lived their for 13 years and I would just be able to notice that and remember it over...
If this is true, can I can some of these perma-infractions reduced? I haven't been to off topic in at least 2 years.