I simplified your problem to two words. Also on the topic of hating women, here.
I hate people. ALL people.
You know what I hate? when I can't seem to get over my own problems.
You know what really pisses me off? My inability to find a new job. Holding down a job is easy but it seems like it takes forever to find a new...
America's judicial system frustrates the hell out of me.
Welcome to the world of internet forums. Theres no time limit to your posts, and yeah it's understandable your french but it doesn't exclude you...
It sucks that when my parents ask me what I want for Christmas, I can't say weed. /firstworldproblems.
never have enough weed to smoke.
I usually don't even bother playing online. Mostly because it's just frustrating to play against nerds and glitchers blah blah, basically online...
I never really understood how people could play videogames for hours like that. If I play for any longer than an hour (except when i'm playing...
i figured most people would figure that when youre on the "friends shelf" you're not coming off the friend shelf.
dumb broads.
u wanna kno wuts frustratin life man, life. u wanna kno wuts frustratin life man, life.
Why does it matter if it's mainstream or not ? Maybe if you guys had real 'taste' you would just listen to whatever sounds good, whether or not...
bitches. ain't **** but hoes and tricks and i don't trust em.
I don't know about you guys, but the only upgrades I would get are audio updates. Some fat subs be bumpin in my **** ya'll feelz me ?
Community Colleges. And with a high enough GED score you can actually go to some decent colleges.
I guess im lucky then.
Maybe you should tell your girlfriend/wife/general sex partner that you want to sleep because youre tired?