Wow Pandaman I didn't know you were so cool.
Why would anyone believe in minotaurs?
He finally bought xbl gold.
It didn't crash my browser and my computer is terrible
What would be better, a revolver or a shotgun?
I believe it's called Destiny, though I don't know if that's the official name or not....
Rights are subjective? Source for this? Wikipedia tells me otherwise.
Bungie's new game is due out in the fall so that's definitely what I'm most excited about.
The Escapist : News : Glee Rips Off Jonathan Coulton
I guess it's my fault as a consumer then
If I were a girl who played video games I sure as hell would never plug in my mic unless I were in a party. People on the internet are just ****ed...
Well, this is kind of surprising.
I think I know the reason why we don't have female members on this site anymore.
yeah and
no, makes me angry too.
*2nd. Also, the framers of the constitution wanted people to have guns to be able to defend themselves from the tyranny of the federal...
The only place on the internet that doesn't infuriate me is the PPC.
imgur is the same as reddit but worse.
Wow, you repost jokes AND comment on imgur?